The entire experience felt like a rewarding odyssey. We navigated through twists and turns, and it turned out that all our efforts paid off. I want to extend my gratitude to my parents, teachers, and, most importantly, to myself for mustering the courage to embark on this journey from the outset. This once-in-a-lifetime experience is truly memorable!
最想感谢的是我的partner 庄文、大家的战友、大家的辩论教练和引导老师。为期两个半月的准备,无论是查资料、写稿子还是参加模拟赛,都是成功路上那值得回忆的点滴。参加这次辩论赛,就如同开启了一扇窗。通过它,我收获了比赛的胜利,跨国的友谊,看到了更广阔的天地,也遇见了更好的自己。
This debate competition revolves around pushing boundaries, fostering friendships, and igniting thoughtful discussions. It's a genuinely memorable occasion that urges us to leap into the unknown. Meeting everyone, particularly the American debaters, was enchanting, and I savored every moment. It was truly worth it!
I want to convey my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who invested their efforts in supporting us, especially my dear parents, teammates, and teachers. It was through this invaluable opportunity that I acquired the art of debating and realized that no obstacles could hinder my progress. This enriching experience has undoubtedly broadened my perspectives and contributed significantly to my personal growth.
Learning the art of debate and engaging with American debaters made for an unforgettable experience! Despite the constant pressure and the occasional late-night preparations for the competition, the sense of achievement and satisfaction overshadowed it all. Moreover, forming friendships with American debaters has given me valuable insights into life in another part of the world.